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Vital Body, Peaceful Mind, Kind Spirit

VPK Nutrition

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Pushpa Soundararajan, MBA, RDN
A Dietitian with a Difference! Integrative Nutrition Therapy.

Pushpa's message


I have been a dietitian for over 30 years and my approach to health is very different. We are not just what we eat but what we actually digest. Every body is different and there is no one size fits all when it comes to food and lifestyle. With my individualized approach, we will devise a plan TOGETHER to suit your needs for not just healing but also for overall sense of well being."The greatest medicine of all is to teach people how not to need it."- Hippocrates

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Nutrition, Ayurveda

& Recipes Blog

Check out blogs on nutrition, Ayurveda and Vegetarian recipes! Some are good for Kidney patients on a low Potassium diet! Recipes using spices and Instant pot!

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A customized diet and lifestyle recommendation based on your body type and specific health issues or general wellness. Yoga/Pranayama.

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Nutrition Counseling

Medical Nutrition Therapy

Nutrition counseling for patients specializing in Kidney disease, Diabetes, Digestive disorders, Obesity, Cardiac and Veg Nutrition.

Willowbrook,  IL 60527


(630) 635 - 6427

Pushpa Soundararajan

Registered Dietitian

Terms, Conditions & Disclaimer Copyright 2016 - 2020. All Rights Reseved. 2016 Pushpa Soundararajan, RDN Proudly created with


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